{{ 'fb_in_app_browser_popup.desc' | translate }} {{ 'fb_in_app_browser_popup.copy_link' | translate }}

{{ 'in_app_browser_popup.desc' | translate }}

Your Shopping Cart is empty.
{{ (item.variation.media ? item.variation.media.alt_translations : item.product.cover_media.alt_translations) | translateModel }} {{ (item.variation.media
                    ? item.variation.media.alt_translations
                    : item.product.cover_media.alt_translations) | translateModel
{{ 'product.bundled_products.label' | translate }}
{{ 'product.bundle_group_products.label' | translate }}
{{ 'product.buyandget.label' | translate }}
{{ 'product.gift.label' | translate }}
{{ 'product.addon_products.label' | translate }}
{{ field.name_translations | translateModel }}
  • {{ childProduct.title_translations | translateModel }}

    {{ getChildVariationShorthand(childProduct.child_variation) }}

{{ 'product.set.open_variation' | translate }}
  • {{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childProductName }} x {{ selectedChildProduct.quantity || 1 }}

    {{ getSelectedItemDetail(selectedChildProduct, item).childVariationName }}

{{item.quantity}}x HK$0 {{ item.unit_point }} Point
{{addonItem.product.cover_media.alt_translations | translateModel}}
{{ 'product.addon_products.label' | translate }}
{{addonItem.quantity}}x {{ mainConfig.merchantData.base_currency.alternate_symbol + "0" }}

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Terms


The terms of this privacy policy are intended to explain the practices of Konanmoko Ltd ("the company") and its website https://konanmoko.com ("this website") in the collection, retention, storage and sharing of personal data. Konanmoko Ltd has the right to modify this "Privacy Policy Terms", and the relevant modifications will be posted on this website.


The Company and this website respect the privacy rights of persons who provide personal data to the websites of this company and abide by the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap.486) of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.


1. The personal data collected by the company from this website (as defined in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance) may include but not limited to the following:

I. You must provide your name, contact address, phone number, email account number, transaction history, and voluntarily provide your credit card number, bank name, credit card expiration date, and other relevant information to order goods or request related services;

II. Internet Protocol address (IP Address) and region of the visitor’s personal computer, the time, type of browser, and web page visited;

III. Some personal data may be collected via "cookies" on the Internet. Cookie files are bits and pieces of information that are automatically sealed on a website by a personal computer Internet browser and can be accessed via that website. Cookies collect anonymous collective statistical data and do not include personal contact information such as name, address, telephone, and email address. Most Internet browsers will automatically use cookie files. You can also edit your browser options to block this feature. However, you may not be able to access certain pages of this website.


2. The personal data of customers collected by this website online will be used by the company to provide you with goods or services (including but not limited to contacting the buyer to verify the information and improve the delivery arrangements), handling enquiries and complaints, and conducting service investigations. The purpose will not be used for any direct sales, nor will it be disclosed to anyone who has nothing to do with the order. In addition, your personal data may also be transferred or disclosed to the following (including but not limited to) the following parties for the above purposes as needed:

I. Provide goods or services (including but not limited to contact the buyer to verify the information and improve the delivery arrangements);

II. Application, daily operation, continued use and termination of use of the goods or services provided by this website;

III. The company's agents, suppliers, partners or any other goods or service providers for their equivalent or related purposes;

IV. Verify your identity;

V. Disclosure of personal data to any Hong Kong government agency as required by any laws binding on the company; and

VI. Internal statistical investigation and analysis.


3. When the company collects your personal data, it will:

I. Explain to you that the company is collecting your personal data and the purpose for which it is collected; and

II. Explain how our company stores personal data and how you can check, change and delete stored personal data.


4. There is an employee code within the company to ensure that employees will not use your data for purposes other than those specified above, and remind employees to keep your personal data confidential. Regardless of how your personal data is stored, it will only be accessible to employees of the company who have been authorized to access such data. All personal data stored electronically will be protected by encryption and can only be accessed by authorized personnel. Employees designated to handle personal data will only be instructed to do so under the provisions of this Personal Data Collection Statement.

5. If for any reason (including recovering any money owed to you by the company from you), it is necessary for the company to take action against you in legal proceedings, you expressly agree to use you in identifying you When taking legal action, you can use your personal data as a basis.

6. The company retains your personal data for as long as necessary to implement the purpose for which your personal data is collected. The company may also retain personal data files for statistical purposes. Until such information no longer has any direct or related uses, it will be deleted or destroyed.

7. You have the right to request access to and correction of personal data held by us about you. Relevant requests can be emailed to inquiry@konanmoko.com to the Data Protection Officer. After receiving such requests, this website will handle them as soon as possible.


Personal Information Collection Statement


1. The information you provide to Konanmoko Ltd ("the company") or its website https://konanmoko.com ("this website") is collected as necessary for the company to conduct its business and will not be used for any direct sales, we will not be disclosed to anyone who has nothing to do with the order, but may be used for the following purposes:

I. Used by the company to provide you with goods or services (including but not limited to contacting you to verify information and improve delivery arrangements);

II. Any change, alteration or cancellation of such goods or services in item I above;

III. Application, daily operation, continued use and termination of use of the goods or services provided by this website;

IV. Any purpose of handling enquiries, complaints, and service investigations;

V. verify your identity; and

VI. Internal statistical investigation and analysis.


2. In addition, your personal data may also be transferred or transferred or disclosed to the following parties (including but not limited to) for the following purposes and uses as required:

I. Provide goods or services (including but not limited to contact the buyer to verify the information and improve the delivery arrangements);

II. Application, daily operation, continued use and termination of use of the goods or services provided by this website;

III. The company's agents, suppliers, partners or any other goods or service providers for their equivalent or related purposes;

IV. Verify your identity;

V. Disclosure of personal data to any Hong Kong government agency as required by any laws binding on the company; and

VI. Internal statistical investigation and analysis.


The company will retain your personal data until the data no longer has any direct or related purposes, it will delete or destroy the data.

You have the right to request access to and correction of personal data held by us about you. Relevant requests can be submitted to inquiry@konanmoko.com. After receiving such requests, this website will handle them as soon as possible.




1. The information contained on Konanmoko Ltd ’s website https://konanmoko.com (“this website”) is prepared and produced for the various goods or services provided by its holdings and affiliated companies, Konanmoko Ltd (“the company ") There is no guarantee for the completeness and accuracy of the information contained therein.

2. Unless otherwise noted, the goods, services and contents of this website are provided in the form of "as is" without any express or implied warranty, and the user agrees to bear the risk of using this website.

3. In accordance with the restrictions allowed by the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region's Control Disclaimer Ordinance (Cap.71), this website does not have to bear any liability for the use of this website, including but not limited to direct, indirect, joint, following and punitive Loss.

4. The company (including this website) will try its best to keep the personal data stored in the system of this website confidential to avoid unnecessary theft and use. Warranty or statement. If you find that your personal data has been leaked without authorization, please contact our company immediately.

5. Other websites linked to this website may also collect your personal data. The privacy policy of this website will not apply to the personal data collected when visitors link from this website to other websites and continue to read other websites. You shall bear the relevant risks at your own risk. Accuracy, effectiveness, safety or any omissions, no responsibility is assumed.

6. When you purchase goods or services on this website online, the online payment system you use is not necessarily carried out on this website. You must understand and understand online payment when you use an online payment system other than this website. The usage policy and privacy policy terms and other information listed on the system website. The privacy policy of this website will not apply to all online payment system websites.

7. The company and this website clearly stated that they will not be held responsible for any representations, commitments, guarantees or responsibilities of any goods or services on this website. Without limiting the general applicability of the above clauses, our company and this website do not guarantee:

I. The accuracy, reliability or completeness of the goods or services on this website does not accept any liability for any loss or compensation caused by inaccuracies or omissions (including but not limited to contract, defamation, tort law or Other responsibilities);

II. The suitability of using the goods or services or any content of this website for any specific purpose, or the quality standards of the goods or services or any content;

III. The goods or services on this website will not be hindered or there will be no errors.

IV. The company and this website clearly stated that they will not be liable to you or anyone for any direct or indirect, full or partial loss caused by the negligence of this website in facilitating, combining, interpreting, editing, reporting or distributing any content. In all cases, our company and this website will not bear any direct or indirect losses related to goods or services to you or anyone, including loss of profits or loss of savings, nor will it be caused by any liability for claims related to the goods or services of this website. The company and this website also indicate that they will not be held responsible for any obstruction or suspension of the service or its parts due to events or circumstances outside the company's control.

Relevant needs can be sent to: inquiry@konanmoko.com